Tag Archive: Religion

The Art of Being Still

What if I were to tell you God was not calling you to do anything for Him? In society today we are so caught up with being busy that we forget that God… Continue reading

I Wonder (the cross)

I started this blog exactly a year ago claiming that I had the answers. A lot changes in a year. Granted I still know a lot of the answers to life’s great questions,… Continue reading

I Think I’ll do this the Rest of My Life

Finally! A spare minute to write down some of my thoughts and experiences thus far with YWAM. Life has been really busy, but not the kind of busy where you go insane, or… Continue reading

God Space

When working to plant a church one finds themselves in extraneous circumstances. From leadership meetings in a cramped dorm room to praying over the sound system I feel like I’ve done it all.… Continue reading